"We've gone to the chiropractor for years for back problems, which has been helpful, but the back problems keep coming back. Going through this course helped me realize problems in my desk set-up that were keeping me in pain. Now I understand how to fix that." - Paul P.

You Probably Can't Change the Fact That You Sit Most of the Day...

But you CAN change how you support your body each day to help you reduce (or resolve) your lower back pain.

Education, Assessments & Exercises to help you Heal Your Low Back Pain.

  • Bite-sized, empowering education to give you the WHY behind the methods.

  • 5-Part assessment to help you determine what YOUR back needs to feel better.

  • Stretching & strengthening exercises to help reduce or resolve your back pain.

Hi, I'm Andrew.

Owner of Prizm Wellness & Creator of this mini-course.

I designed "Lower Back Pain Solutions ... for People Who Sit A Lot" to give you a practical set of tools to reduce pain and educate you towards an elevated perspective of your overall wellness.

Let's take a look at what's inside:

    1. Introduction & Welcome to the Course!

    1. When to See a Doctor

    2. Common Misconceptions

    1. The Impact of Sitting A Lot

    2. How Injuries Happen

    1. Stress, Breathing, and the Central Nervous System

    1. Self Assessment & Relief Techniques

    1. Setting Up Your Pain Free Workspace